- "Bharatiya Udyog Ratna Award 96" by the Indian Econamic Development & Research Association, New Delhi.
- "Rashtriya Udyog Ratna Award" by Indian International Council for Industries & Trade, New Delhi.
- "National Industrial Excellence Award" by National Council for Commerce & Industry, New Delhi.
- "Udyog Vikas Ratna Award" by India Institute of Economic Entreprenour Council, Ghaziabad.
- "S.V.Parthsarathy Award" by South Indian Sugarcane & Technology Association, Madras.
- "Best Co-op. Institute - 2001-2002" by the Karnataka State Co.operative Sugar Federation Ltd., Bangalore.
- Efficiency Award - 2006-07 by National Federation of Coop Sugar Factories . Ltd., New Delhi
- Technical Efficiency Award 2009-10 by - South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologist's Association Chennai
- Golden Award for Best performing Co-Generation Award for the season 2015-16 by -The South Indian Sugarcane & Sugar Technologist's Association Chennai.
Besides the above awards, the Kamataka State Cooperative Sugar Federation Ltd., Bangalore rewarded our Chief Cane Development Officer, Shri Ashok M. Patil with "Best Cane Management" Award during the year 2001-2002.